Atmospheric evaporative coolers –
innovative re-cooling systems reduce operating costs

Process cooling accounts for a large portion of the energy costs in the surface finishing process. This is a good reason to rely on innovative and energy-efficient systems which are highly effective with comparatively little energy output because they use existing exhaust air output.

With our atmospheric evaporative coolers, the evaporation which occurs in the exhaust air system can be re-used with a pump for cooling the electrolyte bath. This not only eliminates the need for separate cooling of the chromium baths, for example, but also reduces cooling energy consumption by up to 90 per cent. Atmospheric evaporative coolers from AIRTEC MUEKU can be fitted in just about any exhaust air system!

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Im Ganzacker 1
56479 Elsoff

T: + 49 (0) 26 64 / 99 73 86-0
F: + 49 (0) 26 64 / 99 73 86-25